Wednesday 5 December 2018

Jungle / Papuan Boobook @ Jungle Hawk-owl

Order - Strigiformes
Family - Strigidae (Typical Owls)
Jungle Boobook / Papuan Boobook / 
Jungle Hawk-owl
Ninox theomacha

    Size : 20–28 cm; 185 g (n = 1 of unknown sex)
    Subspecies and Distribution
  • Ninox theomacha hoedtii (Schlegel, 1871)
    – W Papuan Is (Waigeo and Misool).
  • Ninox theomacha theomacha (Bonaparte, 1855)
    – New Guinea.
  • Ninox theomacha goldii (Gurney, Sr, 1883)
    – D’Entrecasteaux Archipelago (Goodenough, Fergusson, Normanby).
  • Ninox theomacha rosseliana (Tristram, 1889)
    – Louisiade Archipelago (Tagula, Rossel).

Ninox theomacha ssp. hoedtii
Date : 04 September 2018
Location : AFU Dive Resort, Distrik Waigeo Selatan, Kabupaten Raja Ampat, Provinsi Papua Barat, Indonesia

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